
Archive for September, 2009

Nothing better sums up what we here at the PFLD are about than skimming the turd-like droppings of the BNP’s online advocates, and then mocking it.  Well, maybe a few things do.  But this is pretty funny.

The Home of the Green Arrow – New Labour can’t even correctly keep a plan to smear political opponents under wraps, but they can keep secret a plan to enslave the world into their sinister, totalitarian New World Order.

Battle for Britain – Watch as my strategic use of the word “cunt” covers up how the main thrust of my argument has been so utterly undermined.

Cumbrian Patriots – Copeland BNP sets long term plans – should their pub crawls happen on a weekly, or fortnightly basis?

Titus Advxas – Prepare for war against the establishment!  Our use of ALL CAPS, facile latin and ill written diatribes about dhimmification will bring New Labour and their sharia courts to their knees!

Common Sense Against Islam – take away the racist aspect of the BNP and I agree with them quite a lot.  Like on, um, well, you know…well I’m sure the BNP have some non-racist qualities, and I’m in total agreement with them!  Once I find out what they are.

Man of the Woods – Panic!  Muslims!  In PUBLIC!  Being all Muslim and stuff!  Dhimmification!

The Sheffield Nationalist – poorly sourced article from the Daily Mail, confirming my prejudices!

Up Pompeii – what do you mean “have I heard of Avicenna”? He was the 20th hijacker in the 9/11 plot, right?

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